Monday, April 22, 2013

The Next Chapter: A Book-Themed Party for 19 Librarians

In my daytime life, I work for my city's library system (and I am so proud of our library). Our city recently offered a retirement incentive, and as a result, we ended up with 19 folks retiring at once. The administration wanted to have one special send-off to commemorate their 590+ combined years of service, and I was all too happy to volunteer for the job.

"The Next Chapter" seemed like the perfect theme to encapsulate the event, the institution, and the employees' dedication to the library. It seemed a natural choice to make the decorations out of book pages not only because of the obvious library-books connection, but also because the materials were free. We have to constantly discard old and outdated books at the library, so I just rummaged through a box that was headed to the recycling plant and grabbed some books that had large-ish pages and nice-colored paper. I used the books (and a ton of hot glue) to make various shapes of flowers, pinwheels, and garlands. Everyone was so complimentary of the decorations. We mixed in roses and red ribbon, which seemed appropriate for February. The cake was made by the incredible folks at The Painted Cupcake.

I think this theme would work for almost any kind of party--from the more obvious Teacher Appreciation Week event (in fact, some of the garlands were recycled for a Teacher Appreciation party later that week!), to a graduation, a book publishing party, a book club meeting, or even a wedding/engagement event for two literature lovers.  Enjoy!

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